Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reason to Marry Me #5: Hats Galore

You remember your sister's wedding? With all the hats? We don't do that in America, which is why I loved your sister's wedding so much. So, at our wedding, all the women will be wearing glorious hats. But, guess what? I have a ton of faggy friends. And I'm sure they will also be wearing hats. Hats that out-hat the hats of your old English ladies. Camilla's hat will be jealous of my friend Ben's hat. Ben is a sci-fi geek, so I'm sure that he'll whip out something inspired by Star Trek or Stargate or... something else with "star" in its title.

In other words, our wedding will outshine your sister's wedding. And isn't that what every girl wants?

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